Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott

You may think wow she read the whole series, 6 entire books! It must be great! Nope, I'm just that committed to reading what's in front of me. It wasn't bad, it was simply ok. The first book was actually very intriguing. I love the idea of everyone having an aura they can shape into magic but using that aura depletes the energy available to them. Perenelle Flamel was an exceptionally interesting character even though she spent most the books separated from the other main characters I always wished for more of her storyline.
However, as it went on the characters and stories just seemed to pile on and pile on rather than fit together.  I went on a road trip with my fiancé but was very close to the end of the 6th book so I had him read the last 20 or so pages out loud to me while I drove.  About every 3rd paragraph he would just give me a look like 'what the heck is happening?' and I just gave him the 'I know, I know, keep reading' look back. First adding mythical gods, then crazy beasts of legend and every famous person from Virgina Dare and Billy the Kid to Shakespeare and Joan of Arc. It felt like a movie with too many cameos.  
They also constantly stop and list the insane events that have been occurring or the amount of famous people they are with. Again it reminds me of when shows or movies point out the crazy to show, 'hey, we are aware of how crazy this is and the fact that we acknowledge it makes it okay'. It just ruins the flow of the story and the amount with which its done causes a lot of repetition. In fact, there is quite a lot of repetition in the books in general.  Again, these weren't bad, just ok, not a reread kind of book.

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