Saturday, April 23, 2016

Howl's Moving Castle

I also found this beautiful book in New York, on sale at Strand Book Store. The movie is whimsical, a little sad and, at least for me, somewhat confusing. I adored it anyway and when I found the book I couldn't wait to see if reading it would help me understand why I liked it so much.

The book does explain some of the movie's mysterious nature. Calcifer, the fire demon/fallen star (ooh sorry that's kind of a spoiler) made much more sense in the book. He is a mischievous character and crucial to understanding the entire end of the book and/or movie. It was wonderful being able to read everything that Sophie thought throughout her adventure. She is so willful and interesting and often upset that it's hard to follow her reasoning for doing things.  And I discovered that she is the reason I love the movie so much. Sophie is a young woman turned into an elderly woman by a witch and even with the chance at turning back, remains old by sheer force of will. She finds a new interesting life outside of the sure failure of being an oldest child and endlessly making hats. I relate to Sophie and her vigor for life.

This was a quick read and well worth the few days it took to finish. I would also highly recommend the movie, lovely and inspiring.

Next up: Stardust

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