Sunday, May 1, 2016


Stardust, written by Neil Gaimon is a unique fairy tale. I ran into this book on a library trip with my boyfriend. I wandered off into the children's section, as I often do, and was happily surprised to see this book. It was, of course, amazing and undoubtedly better than the movie which I also love. If you've seen the movie the plot is the same, even including the ghosts of the royal heirs, which I had assumed was a comedic insert of the movie. I always feel like the characters are so much more vivid in the book and this was no different. The illustrations by Charles Vess were such a treat, they make me wish the movie was animated. Tristan is hilariously simple but with the best of intentions and Yvaine is strong and defiant. Also, the unicorn played a much bigger part in the book and I know it's cheesy but I LOVE unicorns ( I bet Tina from Bob's burgers likes them too and she's cool, so there ). This book is magical and delightful and I hope it is read by all.

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